Monday, December 29, 2014

Weekly Update - December 29

Well, I survived the Holidays and managed to lose weight!  I was down to 105 yesterday but indulged with heaping plates of nachos to hide my tears of shame while watching the Lions inevitably blow yet another game to the Packers.  I only worked two days last week so it was a great week for training (bike and run at least).  I could get used to these 5 day weekends!

Weight - 207.6 (down .4).  This will drop 2 pounds within the next day or two so I'm not concerned that it was a small drop.  My goal for December was 5 pounds and I am already down 6.4 so anything else will just be gravy (healthy, low fat, and probably tasteless gravy).

Swim - Nonexistent, but by choice.  I'm not sure if I even want to head to the pool next week with influx of the resolution crowd.

Bike - 4 Rides, all Sufferfest videos totaling 4 hours and 40 minutes and approximately 61.79 miles.  The mileage figure is low as I know I average more than 13 mph.  I am working with the folks at Trainer Road to see if we can fix that as I would like to track mileage for 2015 and it's hard knowing that 3-4 months worth or riding is underestimated.  This was my longest trainer ride to date (1:52).  I definitely need better shorts/bibs.

Run - 6 runs totaling 3 hours and 20 minutes, 19.57 miles.  My running went great this week and I was even able to get outside... in shorts... in late December... in MI!  I will stick with 20 miles next week, 3 runs of 2 miles, 2 runs of 4 miles, and a long run of 6.  I'm well on my way to the 30 - 35 mile weeks I would like to have for the majority if the year.  I've already noticed an improvement on the Barry P plan as my long run pace was around 10:13 for 6 miles with an average HR of 150, which is low to mid zone 2.

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