The past week went well. My daughter is still recovering from a rough cold/flu but fortunately she didn't pass it on to anyone as she's had it for more than two weeks now. We celebrated our first Christmas party of the year with the in-laws and a good time was had by all.
Last week's training:
Weight Loss: Last week: 214. This Week: 211.2. Down 2.8 pounds.
My diet was solid during the week and as good as can be expected with holiday gatherings Saturday and Sunday. The friends we visited on Saturday are the ultimate enablers when it comes to a bad diet so I was glad to get out of there without slipping. One interesting note, she bought me gluten free muffins, and while they were delicious, I felt like crap both days I had one. My body seems to be sensitive to chemicals and I'm guess the muffins were laced with crap to allow them to actually function as muffins without blueberries.
Swim: Goal 2x. I swam twice last week for a total of 4,100 yards in 2:05. In the past I've struggled to get past the 20 minute mark on any given day, but having a planned workout seems to help me focus.
Run: Goal 6x. Actual: 6x, 16.5 miles. I hit every running goal this week and have actually done so for the past month. My heart rate monitor is acting screwy so I replaced the battery but haven't had a chance to test it since. Sunday's run was interesting as I didn't check the weather before we left town and it ended up being 50 degrees. Unfortunately I only brought wool socks, pants, and a long sleeved shirt to run in. To say I was overheating was a bit of an understatement. Gus ran most of the miles with me and the highlight of the week was when he ran away from a 25# dog absolutely terrified (Gus weighs 50#). You can see when we came across the dog on the Strava profile from the run.
Bike: I struggled with my cycling last week and only squeezed in one workout on the trainer, my goal is 2 - 3x per week. I need to do better at this but struggle getting out of bed in the AM when it's a home workout. For some reason I do fine if I am leaving the house (swim, meeting someone for a run, etc). I am going to try my first Sufferfest video tonight.
Core: I only managed one core workout. I have a history of back problems and need to fix this. Unfortunately it's my least favorite thing to do.
Overall, a decent week but not great. I'm hoping the Sufferfest videos will help with my desire to get on the trainer!
Funny how you find it easier to get up if you are leaving the house because I'm the opposite. I guess stumbling to the living room doesn't seem like too big a task for my sleep-deprived brain? Ha!