Last week went well, though I'm struggling with a few of my goals.
Weight: Last week 211.2. This week: 208. Down 3.2 pounds
My diet was solid taking into consideration that we went up north Friday. It's amazing how often I am sidetracked when I'm outside of my normal routine, which is detrimental to my overall weight loss as we seem to go somewhere 2 - 3 weekends each moth. Fortunately I was able to stick with the plan aside from a few minor slip-ups.
Swim: Goal 2x. I swam once, for a total of around 2,000 yards. I'm struggling to get to the pool in the morning. I am not a morning person by nature and my wife and dogs are incredibly cute and inviting snuggled up warm in bed. If I can make it a habit for few weeks I will be fine, but I struggle to stick with my routine if I skip early morning workouts on the weekends.
Run: Goal 6x. Actual 4x for 12.6 miles. My IT band started bothering me so I decided to take an additional two days off and use last week as a cutback week. I am concerned my mileage is too high and will need to monitor how I feel. At this point there really isn't any hurry as my first big race isn't until the end of April and my weekly long run is already over 5 miles. 5 months should be plenty of time for me to take it easy.
Bike: Goal 3x. Actual 3x. I broke down and bought all of the Sufferfest videos last week (Merry Christmas to me!) and am loving them! Unfortunately it's hurting my swim as all I want to do is ride my bike 2 - 4 hours per day. I completed Revolver, Blender, and Hell Hath No Fury. It's probably time to retest my ftp as these workouts weren't as difficult as I expected. I should probably rest for a day or two prior to doing this as I want fresh legs for an accurate test.
I have decided to scrap my goals for December and just go with whatever seems like the most fun, aside from running. I might cut back to 5x per week instead of 6, but I will try to stick to a plan as I know I won't run if I don't.
I am working on my goals for 2015. I have certain races I would like to finish so those are easy, but I struggle setting my mileage goals for each of the three disciplines. I should have something ready for next week.
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