While looking through my training log for last year I couldn't help but notice that it seemed unstructured, particularly when I started training for triathlon. Given that my focus changes several times throughout the year (run, to tri, back to run) I decided I needed help and my wife was kind enough to agree. With that being said, I have hired a coach to provide me with weekly plans that will hopefully allow me to arrive at each race injury free and in a position to PR (two of my big races are my first time at that distance so a PR is in the bag). I am looking forward to our meeting later this week to go over everything. My wife has always said that you should invest your money in experiences rather than stuff, so I decided to invest in knowledge rather than a new tri bike or a power meter.
LOSE WEIGHT (starting weight 211.6)
This is my number one goal for the year and my biggest struggle. I can train 8-12 hours per week but if my diet isn't in check I'm handicapping myself. I would like to be in the 180-190 range for my races starting at the end of April. This will put less stress on my body and I've also been told that every pound overweight = 2 seconds off your mile pace while running. That alone could help me set some huge PR's. I seem to go through phases where I lose 10 - 15 pounds, only to slip up and put the weight right back on. I think my biggest obstacle is when life gets in the way of my routine. This can be as simple as going up north for a weekend. I need to be aware of this and address the issue. I will accomplish this by doing the following:
- Lose 5 pounds per month (8 in January as most of this is water weight from my trip up north last weekend). Goal weights (Jan 203.6, Feb 198.6, Mar 193.6, April 188.6)
- Plan meals and snacks ahead of time with my wife, in particular when we are going somewhere over the weekend.
- Avoid the temptations during lunch with my Dad and Brother-in-law on a daily basis.
- Work on portion control. I tend to put too much on my plate, shove it all into my mouth, and go back for more. I need to eat slower and be more mindful. Wait 15-20 minutes before I go back for a second serving.
- Limit alcohol consumption.
- Limit the number of times we eat out per week.
I will need to discuss how best to do this with my coach but I've always struggled with injuries, usually from doing too much too soon. My hips and feet are bugging me at the moment.
- Slowly and appropriately ramp up my training volume in each discipline.
- Strength train (if my coach agrees)
- Foam roll, pre-hab type stuff as needed.
- Look into new running shoes and/or inserts.
- Proper bike fit from Racer Racer.
My "A" races for the year are as follows:
- Fifth Third River Bank Run - 25k
- Michigan Titanium - Half Ironman (70.3)
- Grand Rapids Marathon - 26.2 miles
- PR Half Marathon - Current PR is 2:10:21 at the Grand Rapids Half Marathon in October of 2014. This will be accomplished at the Rivertown Races Half Marathon in April. This will be a training run for the River Bank Run so a PR is secondary.
- PR River Bank Run - Current PR is 2:56:03, set in 2012. If I'm healthy this record should go down hard.
Distance Goals
These are hard to set as I'm unsure what my training will look like. These are nice round numbers that I will shoot for, but it's not imperative.
- Run 1000 miles
- Bike 2000 miles
- Swim 200,000 yards
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