This is my first full season of triathlon. I started training in May of last year (run only) and added the swim and bike in late July. I hurt my foot towards the end of September so my running was severely limited in October and November of last year. If you look at the screenshot below you'll see I've essentially been training 28 - 33 hours per month for the last 8 months, without much of a break. That may not seem like much to most of you, but for someone fairly new to the sport I think it may have been too much, too soon, with little to no offseason. I was so excited to play with my Sufferfest videos and Trainer Road that I didn't take much time off late last year and then ramped things up too early this year. I'm struggling to get up in the mornings and complete workouts and am just feeling tired.
Now that I've recognized there is a problem I need to do something about it. My swimming has been limited of late anyways, but I plan to eliminate it completely as I only have one triathlon left this year (Petoskey in a week and a half) and the money saved from a Y membership will come in handy. It also helps that I've been working earlier this week and can't fit in two a day workouts.
My next step is to scale back some of the cycling and really focus on running. This will lower my overall training volume and allow for some additional rest. Going forward (next season) I plan to take a few weeks after the marathon off and then start easing into things with no actual schedule, just whatever I happen to feel like for the day. I am still working on my goals/races for next year so once I finalize those I can start to come up with a plan, but you can be sure it will include some time off before I start!
What about you guys? Every run into this problem?